My Left Toe

About ten days ago I wrenched my left pinky toe. The toe was intact and not misshapen or out of alignment, but I knew this was more than a stub. After holding the foot for a few moments, I put on tennis shoes and went on with the day. Wearing shoes felt better than walking barefoot, and once I was back home, elevation and a little ice helped the swelling do its work with less pain. Trudie obtained some Arnica cream which I used liberally the first 48 hours. I limited weight-bearing and encouraged movement in the area. The upper foot and toes went through blue-purple bruising that is not quite gone. And the pinky joint is tender to walk on. I am thrilled that it is 95% healed, and am allowing a good long time for that last 5% to come through. This is when the area needs the most awareness and healing attention.

Being very interested in signs and signals from the WoW (Wave of Wonder) I decided to research this part of my body. First, from Functional Integration lessons with Nancy Agnew, I knew that my internal body map has a shadow around this area. I would marvel at how clearly I could feel my feet except for the vague hollow spot at my left pinky toe. So lesser conscious awareness in that area left it vulnerable to wrenching.

Reflexology charts associate shoulder and ear with the little toe. And the bladder meridian runs there as well. Interestingly, most reflexology charts show little action around the left pinky toe- it’s the right one where all the meridians and points converge. Maybe there isn’t much going on out there…

I don’t think that is the message. A WordPress blog suggested that the left little toe had to do with trust – trusting yourself, trusting the whole WoW, trusting other people. OK, now we are on to something! Actually a violent wrenching really messes with one’s trust! And this was relatively minor. And there is something about not paying attention to the most salient cues in situations. Not watching out and WHAM! Hmmmm, this is feeling familiar.

Trude and I are listening to Eckhart Tolle and practicing presence. This toe message is the present you sometimes get when you are not in the present! Ha!

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